Movie / Show Title: Thor: The Dark World

  1. Ég kom ūví ūú sagđist hafa fundiđ eitthvađ, svo hvarfstu.
  2. Viđ erum viđ Stonehenge ūar sem áhugaverđir atburđir hafa átt sér stađ.
  3. Lögreglan var kölluđ á vettvang skömmu eftir ellefu í morgun ūegar ađ ūví ert virtist meinlaus flakkari nálgađist en klæddi sig úr öllu, hķf ađ ķgna öđrum ferđamönnum međ vísindatķlum og hrķpađi ađ hann reyndi ađ bjarga ūeim.

  1. I came here because you said you were onto something, and then you vanish.
  2. I'm here at Stonehenge for what has been an interesting unfolding of events today.
  3. The police were called to the scene shortly after 11 A.M. this morning after a seemingly harmless rambler approached the area then, decided to strip naked and effectively terrorize tourists there with scientific equipment whilst shouting that he was trying to save them.

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